It would be deemed a great service to those parents, grandparents and guardians that drive their children to school if we follow the rules of "Drop Off Etiquette"... This is an issue at all four Elwood school buildings. Parents should reach the drop off point and have their children exit the vehicle swiftly and safely and be on their way.
Drop Off Etiquette:
- Do not block roads or sit in intersections while waiting on line to get to the drop off point.
- Once at the drop off point children should exit the vehicle immediately from the side facing the building. This is not the time to chat about lunch money, or what the schedule is after school, or what's for dinner. If there are issues that need to be resolved at the last minute, simply pull over into the parking lot and take the time you need in a designated parking space.
- There is no need to watch children walk into the building after they exit the vehicle hoping for the over the shoulder glance and wave, or the blowing of a kiss just before they walk through the doors. And, if it is a safety concern, the school staff have it covered. Each school has ample staff in front of the buildings ensuring that nothing will happen to the children as they walk the few feet from the vehicle to the building... In other words, drop them off and GO! There is a line of people behind you.
On behalf of everyone that sits on those lines... Thank you for your consideration.